Monday, September 22, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Senior Year

After the summer off I am back!!!
To start things off here are a bunch of artists i have been digging lately:

mixed media on cardboard
142 x 115 cm

William Hundley

Alex Steckly

Damon Way
Leandro Erlich - The Swimming Pool

Ralph Rugoff on "Psycho Buildings

New Swoon!!!

Bruno Taylor Playful Spaces

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How to Deal with Cords

a funny approach to the age old question of how to deal with a cord
a little more here

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

quality of light

light test 055, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

quality of light

light test 058, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

quality of light

light test 072, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

quality of light

light test 076, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

quality of light

light test 086, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Portable solar powered planetarium. While the idea is nice, i'm more drawn to the form of the object itself.
More Here

Sunday, February 24, 2008

work in progress

cups 006, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

work in progress

cups 028, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

work in progress

cups 016, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


To me there is a truth in the imperfection and a feeling within these lines that make them absolutely beautiful and engrossing. I wish i could draw like this.

more on their blog here

Monday, February 11, 2008


We have to start asking questions and stop accepting everything on the walls as good. We need to ask ourselves why it is important that this is outdoors? Would this be any good if it weren’t? Why does it matter that this is done where and how it was? How is this new and, most importantly, why should I care?

from streetartblows


A light made out of silk worm cocoons. Seems to have the same aura and feel as my egg light from last year, only it feels a little bit softer.
More of Angus Hutchenson's lamps here


The transformation of an ubiquitous everyday object into a something completely unusable.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Swoon lectures from MOMA!!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


slant, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

chunk of concrete

chunk of concrete, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

shadows of the night

shadows of the night, originally uploaded by clayton.k.


illumination, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

big wall!

big wall!, originally uploaded by clayton.k.


bam!!!, originally uploaded by clayton.k.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Multi dimensional Graffiti



Here are two great pieces that break the traditional barriers established by the built environment. There is something about the extension from the wall onto the ground which transforms these pieces from an 'unremarkable visual pollution' into pieces that force acknowledgment as a result of their inherent relationship with the build world in which they exist. The Banksy piece is especially effective in that it literally transposes an already present element of the built world(road markings) directly onto the wall to create a seamless melding of our surrounding space and graffiti.

"Evoke is a massive animated projection that lights up the facade of York Minster in response to the public, who use their own voices to "evoke" colourful light patterns that emerge at the building's foundations and soar up towards the sky, giving the surface a magical feeling as it melts with colour."

While the interactive part is nice, this piece really jumped out at me for the sheer massiveness of the projection, and the colors and shapes that are generated. I like the idea that an entire building can be consumed by light and a projection.
How does such a projection change the viewer's perception of the actual building? How does it change the way the experience and perceive the space around them? Does this make them notice more or less about the built world that surrounds them.

More on the project here

When a lamp isn't a lamp

A hand blown piece of glass with a light nested above it, the light(bulb) becomes the shade, while the light exists independently of the bulb. a great challenge to the question of what is a light??

via:Below the clouds

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Honing in

Over the last year, I have really been struggling with one question: what am i interested and what should my art really be about?? After much mulling and pointless interneting i feel i might have made some progress. Here it goes.

My interest really lies within the built world that surrounds us. Specifically, the way we perceive, interact with, and observe the spaces that have been created and erected around us. However, it is the little imperfections which i am drawn to. The cracks, the warps the dirt, the decay, everything that shouldn't be there. It is precisely these things which are glossed over by the average eye making the world appear orderly and neat, or at least unremarkable to most people. I would like my work to challenge this and bring attention to the imperfections and the disorder of the built world surrounding us and to, even if just for a moment, allow someone to perceive the space around them in a completely new way. While i personally my be obsessed with the built imperfections, i have no desire to make people notice such things. Instead, i merely want to challenge people look around, look down, look up, look above, look under, look next to, look beneath......


With that said, there are a few artists which I think embody this ideal beautifully, some of which i may have mentioned on this blog before. Here they are:
Space Invader
Little People
Mark Jenkins
Vladimir Cruells
The Graffiti Research Lab

I guess the future of the blog will not only continue to organize my thoughts and share awesome inspirations i might come across; but also to maybe explore said artists work in relationship to my working statement of intent above. Also, if i can remember to charge my camera, i'll try to upload more photos of the peculiarities of the built world that surround us.

Thats all for tonight.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The photos of Denis Darzacq

No photoshop or special effects. Just break dancers. There is something quite magical about the human body momentarily suspended in midair. I also find the backgrounds of these images to be very visually satisfying.
More on his Site Here

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A awesome ad for a cemetery. Why should good design be limited to certain products or fields??
2 more here

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Sean Marc Lee's Neon Noir

There is a quality to the light in his work i find completely mesmerizing.
click here to see more

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I love mutilated billboards.
Pretty freaking creepy as well.
Click Here the to see more on the artists flickr page.